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I Am, I Am

Sherri Stevens
Deep Calling Deep
January 10, 2025


I heard a pounding knock
outside my heart home's chained closed door,
and looking through the peephole
there I saw, a god I'd seen before.

"Please take my money," said I-Have,
better known by his good friends as Possession.
"Won't you work for me and worship me
so I can consume you with obsession?"

I replied, "Your currency is counterfeit.
It's not the means I need to live.
What would it profit me to gain the world,
enslaving my soul as your captive?"

Then up stepped Works of Righteousness,
"Practice my religious vain traditions.
Accept my package wrapped in piety
and my pride's meriting additions."

I replied, "Your righteousness is all man-made,
based on good deeds you think you do,
I need a righteousness from God,
I won't unlock my door for you."

Following Works came Self,
his righteous brother,
"I'm the other performing twin, I-Do.
Seek my self-grandeur and vainglory
to give your worth its false value."

I replied, "Vanity can't fill me.
I am a heart that longs for love.
My dark and empty living room
misses its live-in from above."

"Nonsense!" screamed the god, I-Feel,
"I'll fill your empty heart so high,
with the intoxicating sparkle
of my red wine's seductive lie."

I said, "Your god's emotions are unstable
like wild waves tossed to and fro,
I need an unwavering peace.
I think your wine I will forego."

He said,"Come then, meet my sister.
I know you'll like Experience.
She speaks in tongues while clashing cymbals
to get your home an audience."

I said, "Displaying signs and miracles
are not substantial evidence,
to prove a spirit comes from God
despite her god's self-confidence.

Even Satan masquerades
as a white angel dressed in light.
I'll not respond to the deception
of her well-disguised invite."

Then I-Think came up strutting,
"I am so wise in my own eyes.
Follow only logic that you understand,
allowing no God to Lord, but I!"

"I said, "I see your beliefs are sincere,
unfortunately, sincerely wrong
because the just shall walk by faith.
Depart!  Your god is too headstrong."

He replied, "Here comes my cousin, Relative
who thinks God's sun has many rays.
He rejects God's truth as absolute
so he can follow his own ways."

Relative said,
"I know God says Christ is the Way
but my path to God is through another.
I will not take the Bible literally
or in its light, my sin would smother.

I said, "But how can two walk close together
except they are agreed?
God will not change His way of truth
to match the error of your creed.

"Wait!" cried out I-Try with purpose,
"My good intentions give life meaning.
Rely on human efforts for your credit,
so on your strength, you will be leaning."

I said, "I am too tired
to depend on my own willpower's failing might.
I need strength supernaturally
to help me win my soul's lost fight."

"Not Thy will, but mine be done!"
I-Will asserted with superiority.
"Continue with my plans.
I'm Independence,
unyielded to divine authority!"

I said, "The True God stands opposed to pride.
But to the humble, He gives grace.
Be off! You're not the god I'm looking for.
Turn back your rebel's mocking face."

Then a gentle knock tapped on my heart.
"Who's out there calling on my name?
What do you have to buy that satisfies?
What is the reason that you came?"

"My name is Jesus. I am I AM.
I stand before your broken heart
not as a false god or a salesman,
but to give you life and a new start."

I said, "Oh really, Mr.....was it.....I AM?
I'm sure your new beginning has a price.
Not to mention what I've always heard
redemption's based on being nice.

But go ahead and leave me with the bill I owe
and slip your life-product under my door
so I can keep my hard heart's chain on
taking just Your gift while You ignore."

I AM responded,
"My precious present is a free gift.
It can't be purchased at your cost.
Neither by one's riches nor one's goodness
can a soul be bought when it is lost."

The purchase price that God requires
is by grace through faith alone
that you believe in Me and then receive
the resurrected life I own.

I came and laid down My own life for yours
so my atoning trust could be your tender
that if you'd see your need
then ask to borrow,
I could be your overdrawn soul's value lender.

I'm not a religion for your front porch
to impress your neighbors that walk by.
I am your run-down heart's rebuilder.
Your sure foundation from on high!

I became flesh and dwelt among you
fulfilling God's law by what I've done
to impute My righteousness to you
giving you the victory that I've won.

I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life!
No one comes to the Father but through Me.
I've come to fill your vacant heart
and set your chained up spirit free!"

Sliding off my chain of unbelief,
I opened up my closed heart, once alone,
and asked Jesus, "How much do you love me
though unworthiness is all I own?"              

Stepping inside to make me whole,
His hands from heaven hugged my heart,
and I embraced my long lost love
as I AM's Spirit did impart.

Sherri Stevens
3x published author, passionate writer, entrepreneur, founder & creator of Holy Fit Brand.

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