"Best friends betrayal,
your Judas kiss.
My dignity you did dismiss.
Your spider’s words webbed to deceive,
in faith, I trusted and believed.
O, but, what afool was I,
that I did buy black widow’s lie.
Falling for false truths you told,
your word of honor just fools gold!
Swearing to your own heart’s hurt,
but then, your oath you did desert.
Your broken promiseI hold now,
and in my cup your empty vow.
But God’s my Portion!
He redeemed my dignity that you demeaned!
Your pillaged pledge that brought disgrace
He traded in for saving grace!
He took the rags you wrapped me in
and cloaked me in His garment’s grin.
His robe of righteousness declared
I’m free from bars your shame had snared.
The evil that you meant for harm,
God changed to good with His strong arm.
My God, He worked all things for good
when by His side, alone I stood!